Brave Enough 2024, How to Weed Out the Unimportant and GROW with Vitality

How to Weed Out the Unimportant and GROW with Vitality, Workshop: Protect your ENERGY, Focus needs Fun, Grow with SUPPORT. Women Docs unite & Grow!

How to Weed Out the Unimportant and GROW with Vitality

“The critical task, as a leader, is to promote the highest level of organizational performance  by creating an environment where people can achieve  their brains’  full potential”  Gilkey and Kilts


  1. Summarize, the 3 needed steps to acknowledge and work around common misconceptions that will stifle personal and professional growth.

  2. We will formulate a growth mindset plan to help recharge creativity levels.

  3. Critically appraise the relationship of professional well-being and creativity in enhancing self leadership.


Welcome to brain based professional development, resources to help you build new insights and strategies for long lasting vitality at work!

"If everyone has to think outside the box, maybe it is the box that needs fixing."

Malcolm Gladwell

 Clarify YOU
  1. Core Value Exercise

  2. Purpose Exercise

  3. Emotional awareness + productivity exercise


Core Values Matter

Find Values that Speak to YOU!

Core Values are your “line in the sand”, they describe your character.

Core Value List:

1. Read over the values below, look for the ones that “speak to you", the ones that describe your character or how you guide your decisions.

2. From the list below, choose and circle every core value that resonates with you. Do not overthink your selections. As you read through the list, simply circle the words that feel like a core value to you personally. If you think of a value you possess that is not on the list, be sure to write it down as well.

Abundance Acceptance Accountability Achievement Advancement Adventure Advocacy Ambition Appreciation Attractiveness Autonomy Balance Being the Best Benevolence Boldness Brilliance Calmness Caring Challenge Charity Cheerfulness Cleverness Community Commitment Compassion Cooperation Collaboration Consistency Contribution Creativity Credibility Curiosity

Daring Decisiveness Dedication Dependability Diversity Empathy Encouragement Enthusiasm Ethics Excellence Expressiveness Fairness Family Friendships Flexibility Freedom Fun Generosity Grace Growth Flexibility Happiness Health Honesty Humility Humor Inclusiveness Independence Individuality Innovation Inspiration Intelligence

Intuition Joy Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Love Loyalty Making a Difference Mindfulness Motivation Optimism Open-Mindedness Originality Passion Performance Personal Development Proactive Professionalism Quality Recognition Risk Taking Safety Security Service Spirituality Stability Peace Perfection Playfulness Popularity Power

Preparedness Proactivity Professionalism Punctuality Recognition Relationships Reliability Resilience Resourcefulness Responsibility Responsiveness Security Self-Control Selflessness Simplicity Stability Success Teamwork Thankfulness Thoughtfulness Traditionalism Trustworthiness Understanding Uniqueness Usefulness Versatility Vision Warmth Wealth Well-Being Wisdom Zeal

3. Work in the table below; Group all similar values together from the list of values you just circled. Group them in a way that makes sense to you, personally. Create a maximum of five groupings. If you have more than five groupings, drop those least important. There is a limit of 6 in each category.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

4. Choose one word within each grouping that best represents the label for the entire group. Again, do not overthink your labels. There are no right or wrong answers. You are defining the answer that is right for you. Circle the one word that best represents the label for the group.

5. Read over the groups, or columns, and the one that you circled as the label for each group, do these values drive your days? These values should be your core values or your “lines in the sand”. These core values build your character and help you with decisions each day. It is important to know your core values.

Core Values, write down the “labels” or core values for each group in the table.

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________


Purpose Activity:

  1. What is your first name?_________________________________

  2. What do you do?________________________________________

(What is the one thing right now that you feel supremely qualified to teach other people? Fill in above)

  1. Who do you do it for? ___________________________________________________________

  2. What do they want or need? ______________________________________________________

  3. How do they change or transform as a result of working with you? ______________________________________________________________________

Dinner Party Answer:

“What do you do?”

I help people (use answer #5) _________________________________________________________________

How do you do that? ________________________________________________________________________


Emotional Awareness and Productivity

Fine Tune your neural state to perk up your creativity!

1. Write down 3 emotions 3x/day x 7 days, get to know your daily patterns

2. Movement, gentle stretch or a walk can help increase the positive emotional state

3. Recalling a time someone helped you, gratitude changes the neural state to a more positive state and therefore the creative part of the brain can be more active.


Values and Your Calendar

Think about how you structure your days, are your core values leading your decisions on how you spend your time? Be aware that your core values drive your choices and decisions.

Personal Values are related to subjective well-being.
A high level of well-being is associated with a sense of direction from your values. Values direct our actions.


Growth Mindset- "NOT YET"

Where are you a NEWBIE?

What are you learning?_____________________________



How do you feel when you learn?




Who Is your Growth Team?

Who challenges you?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who supports your in your Growth?


Who is not supportive to your growth?






Network Exercise:

“If you were going to make one choice to try to make yourself happier and have a better life, just one choice. It would be to invest in your relationships.

Robert Waldinger, MD


1. Health; yours, and others

2. Exchange resources

3. Professional joy

Power Up your Network

Grow it Strategically (Goal unique three people@ category)

► 1. Support: Who Supports me personally at work?




► 2. Expertise: Who shares knowledge or expertise with me?



___ ______________________________________________

► 3. Influence: Who provides political support and influences on my behalf?




► 4. Feedback: Who provides feedback and watches out for my career?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

► 5. Validation: Who makes me feel good about my work?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

► 6. Energy: Who helps me stay energized?


_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

► Notice any gaps? Start planning coffee dates to build your network strategically.

Coffee date ideas (ask for 10 minutes of their time).

► ______________________________

► ______________________________

► ______________________________

Honor Reciprocity

► Helpful networking, Be generous with your time, work, gifts, service.

► This week I can help, praise, give or spend time with_____________.

► This week’s plan is (keep it simple and doable)


Strategic health networking

(We assume the behaviors of those we spend time with)

In the last 2 weeks have you spend time with someone who prioritizes:

Healthy nutrition yes/no

Friend Relationships yes/no

Stress Management yes/no

Work/ Home balance yes/no

Sleep yes/no

Fun yes/no

Learning yes/no

Professional growth yes/no

Partner relationships yes/no

Relaxing yes/no

Movement/Exercise yes/no


Modulate your emotional state to perk up your creativity!

1. Write down 3 emotions 3x/day x 7 days, get to know your daily patterns

2. Movement, gentle stretch or a walk can help increase the positive emotional state

3. Recalling a time someone helped you, gratitude changes the neural state to a more positive state and therefore the creative part of the brain can be more active.


Put is all together

Real Life

This week:

Protect your Energy

Focus + FUN

Grow with SUPPORT

Protect your ENERGY;

Protect your "melon"- nutrition, sleep, connections, movement

Fine tune your emotions 3x/d

What will you commit to this week to add or subtract for your energy?



3. ______________________________________________

This week, Focus + Fun

Find your values in your calendar

Work in your purpose

Assess your belonging level in your work teams

This week I will add or subtract:



3. ______________________________________________________________

Grow with SUPPORT

Assess and build my growth team

Assess goals and weekly tactics to get closer to my values, purpose and dream activities

This week I will add  or subtract:


2. _________________________________________________________



Culture Code - Daniel Coyle Resonant Leadership- Richard Boyatsis

The Mind of the Leader- R Hougaard Positivity- Barb Fredrickson

Find Your Why- Simon Sinek The Genius Zone- Gay Hendricks

Thank you for your attention and please reach out with questions,

Mary Rensel, MD FAAN

Free Team Resources:


Productivity Tips


Ted talk on Purpose:


Culture Code - Daniel Coyle Resonant Leadership- Richard Boyatsis

The Mind of the Leader- R Hougaard Positivity- Barb Fredrickson

Find Your Why- Simon Sinek The Genius Zone- Gay Hendricks

Brave Enough Mentorship Circle Slides for your reference


By participating in/reading my blog/email series, you acknowledge that my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my website/blog/email series and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the references as described.

Categories: : accountability, coach, doctor, energy, exhausted, fatigue, focus, fun, growth, lifelong learning, new job, team, transition